A good burger bun should be roughly two parts white flour to one part whole wheat, with lots of honey. Don't overyeast unless you're sure you'll eat all the rolls in a night — we usually have leftovers, and overyeasted dough goes stale really fast. The dough should be well-salted, well-kneaded, and reasonably stiff. Roll the dough in sesame seeds and bake on an ungreased cookie sheet. Allow two rolls per person, although not everyone will eat that much. Each roll is about half a cup of flour, so start with the same number of cups of flour as you have eaters. Serve the rolls whole, with a bread knife at the table, so that they have a chance to cool slightly before being cut open.
For the burgers, soak black beans the night before and then boil to mushy. Drain and let cool. Combine beans in the standing mixture with salt, nutritional yeast, minced garlic and onion, clove, and paprika. Then add wheat gluten spoonful by spoonful until the beans come together into a tight ball. Mold the beans by hand into good-sized patties and wrap well in foil. Bake forty minutes.
For the sides, scrub a few small sweet potatoes and cut into french fries. In a glass lasagna pan, toss the potatoes with olive oil, salt, and cumin; bake uncovered thirty minutes. Also slice up some onion, tomatoes, and cheese for the burgers, open a jar of bread-and-butter pickles, and set out prepared ketchup and mustard. Serve with a light red; the Cab Sauvignon by Firefly Ridge is a good standby and is currently steeply discounted at Safeway.
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